Case design
What is a case exactly, anyway?
Nowadays most organizations provide customer centric services. Customer interactions are personalized: emails are started with my name; I get personalized offers; and more. But, how customer centric is this, when the processes, information and cases are the same for all (potential) customers? Are these really customer specific, or can I slap any name on any case?
What is a case? Several definitions are available for case:
NORA (Dutch Government Architecture Reference): “A coherent amount of work with a well-defined reason and a well-defined end result, of which quality and lead time must be monitored”; Intelligent Information Management Glossary: “A ‘case’ is any project, transaction, service or response that is ‘opened’ and ‘closed’ over a period of time to achieve resolution of a problem, claim, request, proposal, development or other complex activity.